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5 Day Human Dissection Course The Ohio state University 2022

  • John Sharkey 15-16 St Joseph's Parade Dublin, Dublin Ireland (map)

This rare and unique five day dissection course is directed by Clinical anatomist John Sharkey and will involve the use of fresh, frozen cadavers. An interesting aspect of John’s particular style of dissection is revealing the tensegral nature of our connected body adding a special focus on fascial anatomy and fascia science:

Joining John will be special guest Dr Neil Theise from New York University and John will have regular team members Joanne Avison and Mark Flannigan joining him on these five days of exploration of our inner universe. Whatever your focus you will have ample time to investigate your specific area of interest.

Delivered At The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Department of Biomedical Education and Anatomy, USA. To book your place on this historic course follow this link: